How do I get a vMix virtual set into vMix?

This tutorial shows you how to get a vMix format virtual set to appear in vMix itself. You can get all our main studio sets in vMix format here in the store : Virtual Studio Sets STORE.

A vMix virtual set is basically a folder of images, along with a configuration file that tells vMix where to position each layer, and in what order. You need to copy that folder into the directory where vMix stores all its virtual sets.

Note: Some of our studios might have more than one vMix set for a single camera angle. Studio 1 for example has four different vMix sets for the wide angles, depending on how many screens are visible in shot. So just make sure before you copy any folders that they’re definitely the actual virtual sets, and not a containing folder above them. The way to check, is to make sure that you can definitely see a config.xml file directly inside the folder you’re about to copy, otherwise vMix just won’t recognise it as a virtual set at all.

Video transcript:

Hi there! So – how do I get my virtual set into vMix? Well, the good news is – it’s very easy!

vMix stores its virtual sets in a folder called ‘VirtualSets’.
It’ll be somewhere like C: > Program Files (x86) > vMix > VirtualSets

– that’s where you need to copy your virtual set files TO.

So, once you’ve downloaded your set, you’ll get a zipped file. After you’ve unzipped it you’ll see a folder. Take a quick look inside – if you see some image layers and a file called config.xml, then that’s the virtual set right there. You need to copy that entire folder and all its contents, into your vMix ‘VirtualSets’ folder.

Then, the next time you run vMix, if you click ‘Add Input’ – then ‘Virtual Set’ – you should see thumbnails for all your virtual sets, including any new ones you’ve just copied.

That’s it really. As always, if you’ve got any questions, do get in touch. Thanks for watching!