vMix 25 – virtual sets

Nice to see that the guys at vMix have included THREE more of our virtual studio sets for FREE in the latest vMix release (vMix v25 onwards).

vMix virtual sets

All three virtual sets from our Studio 15 Starter Pack are now included for FREE with the latest vMix release. You can add all the remaining angles and variants to complete the multi-angle pack with the Studio 15 Upgrade Pack

Studio 15 is a multi-angle virtual set with different options for remote guests appearing in monitor screens in the studio. The versions included with vMix have one big screen for a remote guest, but there are also different versions available in our store which give you the option of two or four screens. So you can have many more guests appearing remotely at the same time.

If you are currently using vMix and are enjoying the FREE sets, you might like to take a look at the Studio 15 Upgrade Pack which adds all the remaining angles and variants with more screen options and close-ups. This upgrade pack adds all the other versions (with two screens, and four screens for your remote guests) plus some nice close-up backgrounds.

Visit vmix.com for more information about their excellent live streaming software, and how to update to vMix 25.